De hele wereld is in de ban van het Coronavirus. Waar we hier in het Westen al een tekort hebben aan Intensive Care, is de situatie in de sloppenwijken van de grote steden verontrustend. Wij kunnen nog 1,5 meter afstand tot elkaar houden (hoewel velen van ons dat ook al moeilijk lijken te vinden). In Tamil Nadu is dat met name in de dichtbevolkte gedeelten niet te doen. Vandaag ontvingen we hetvolgende bericht van onze partner Fr. A. Samson Arockiadass, Dindigul, Tamil Nadu, India.
At present, the COVID-19 outbreaks in our region vigorously. As per Indian Government order, we are quarantined ourselves. I am alone working in the office. We have disseminated IEC materials on Coronavirus and distributed face masks (manufactured in our tailoring unit) and soaps to women and children. We are lacking medical assistance. A big country like India is fearing a lot to face the situation. Self quarantine is the best medicine. The poor and the aged are facing hard time. In spite of a minimum support from the Government, we have asked our women self help group members to be supportive to the most disadvantaged people (sharing food stuff and dry ration materials) in their locality. At this situation, I join with you in praying for the victims of COVID-19, which is spreading far and wide with maximum velocity. May God alone be our refuge and our fortress.
Based on the Government norms, Children are back to their respective home. The Vedapatty is only with sisters and staff. They are too self quarantined. We are closely observing the situation of our children in their families.Â
Let us unite in prayer and help each other through spiritual support. Take care.Â
Een indringend bericht en wij zijn ook zeker in gedachten bij de de armsten daar die het ook heel moeilijk hebben. We gaan onderzoeken in hoeverre wij iets kunnen bijdragen aan verbetering van hun lot.